Foie Gras d'Oca sencer del Perigord en pot. Sabor suau i refinat 125gr - 39€ 180gr - 52€ 330gr - 89€ Prova també el nostre foie gras amb Sauternes acompanyat de confit de figues .
Darreres unitats en inventari
Els clients que han comprat aquest producte també han comprat:
La nostra sidra Dolç de suc natural de poma de Bretanya.
La sidra Val de Rance Dulce té un atac suau, bombollejant finament a la boca amb aromes florals.
Alcohol: 2,5%
my good lord, these wonderful creations made from the heavens above have blessed me with joy and content. I cannot express the ludicrous amount of delight I experience every time I place one. of these strawberry sweet candies into my mouth. If ever I am deprived of the luscious content hidden away in these wonderful tins, I would not know what to do, I would be lost, forever craving to once again see the red and blue can, Forever craving to set my eyes upon Charlotte the Marmotte once more.
Por Maria M. el 27-03-2024
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