Today I bring you a recipe that combines the delicacy of mackerel with the fresh touch of lemon. These croquettes are perfect for any occasion, whether it is a special dinner or as an exquisite appetizer for your guests.


  • 2 115g cans of mackerel fillets in olive oil and 5 La Belle-Iloise berries
  • 2 large potatoes for mashed
  • 1 egg
  • 60 g breadcrumbs
  • 4 pinches of salt
  • 2 pinches fresh cilantro or parsley, finely chopped
  • 1 yellow lemon


  1. Start by cooking the potatoes in water or in the microwave until they are tender.
  2. Open the cans of mackerel and reserve the cooking oil.
  3. Peel and mash the cooked potatoes.
  4. Add the egg, salt, herbs, shredded mackerel and a third of the breadcrumbs. Mix well.
  5. Let the mixture cool in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  6. Form 12 small discs with your hands and cover them with the remaining breadcrumbs.
  7. In a frying pan, heat the reserved oil and brown the discs, turning them occasionally.
  8. Serve the croquettes with a green salad and lemon wedges on the side.

Chef's Tip: Add lemon zest or a little garlic to the mixture for additional flavor.

These croquettes can be prepared in advance and reheated in the oven, making them ideal for planning your menus.

I hope you enjoy preparing and tasting these mackerel and lemon croquettes as much as I enjoy sharing them with you. Enjoy!

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